By TingBarter - 09/07/2009 15:00 - United States

Today, I heard a student in the class I assist having trouble with a download. I walked over and showed him how to save to his flash drive, and how to use 7z to unzip said file. I then found out I'd just assisted him in downloading a half gig of porn during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 827
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

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deja54 0

You guys realize, that when you download a .zip file, you can't really see the contents until you unzip it. That's what this guy did, and when he unzipped it, he found the **** stash.


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Chaith 16

I would be angry if somebody read files on my flash drive. Hope Teacher isn't a career in your future...

Maddoctor 10

Well at least it was beneficial for the student. ;)

deja54 0
ryguy997 0

no it is actualy not for ****. pornography is for kinky freaks.

So grab your dick and double click for ****, ****, **** =]

FusionPlacebo 26

Your profile says you're smart but I see none of that in your idiotic comment.

You guys realize, that when you download a .zip file, you can't really see the contents until you unzip it. That's what this guy did, and when he unzipped it, he found the **** stash.

i agree with you and the fact that all these other guys are retards considering you can c files but cannot c what the files are and they most likely werent labeled to be **** files and by the time he downloaded it it'd been too late although i hope the kid got in trouble fyl

yeah bc Im sure that kid would have admitted he was downloading ****... ?

Ox_Baker 0

Still, the name of the file would probably be something like Teen Anal Asian 28.

Ouch. I hope not much damage was done to your career.

Wouldn't you have to click on the download link on a **** site to download it. How could you miss that

>_> Not all **** downloads are on **** sites. A number of sites allow you to upload nearly anything to be downloaded.

itsgen 16

ur dumb for not checking what they download wow i wonder what else you dnt notice

ghadir 2

ahhh why is michigan such a disgrace?! >_< i wish i was from florida.

Florida isn't all that great. I mean you got your GGW videos, Spring Break... Haha. That's where I lived for a while anyway.

Sounds like a fun place to me RBG... >.>

I've lived in Florida my whole life. :D