By myfamilyisodd - 15/10/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, I had to take my son to the emergency room for shooting himself in the ass with a BB gun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 470
You deserved it 5 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MerrikBarbarian 9

how does one shoot oneself in the ass? o-o

Hey, vaginas see tougher than balls. You punch a guy's balls, he'll squeal like a pig. But vaginas can take a pounding!


warmiesauce21 1

Going to the ER for a BB gun? Pussy

going to the ER for a bb gun. . . shot in the ass (a very tender spot unless you have had lots of "practice" which im sure you have had lots) at point blank. and OP didnt specify what kind of bb gun, there are shitty low power bb guns and ones that can hurt like a bitch even at a fairly long distance so stfu, dont comment shit like that unless you know the whole story

countrycutie955 4

Can you really shoot yourself in the ass or is it only dumb ass people that do that

deadandlovingit 0

'I want to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun, lay out in the long grass and wait for the cops to come. Put a blood blister upon each bun, i want to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun.....'

MCRaddict 0

well he is a man......and all they do is stupid shit

InfamousRaider 15

Excuse me but not all guys do stupid shit, and to prove that there is male named Albert Einstein.

Kiss do weird and crazy things. Don't put to much thought into it. It's odd, but not like having an evil psycho criminal or a drug addict or child prostitute for a son or daughter. Thank your lucky stars this is your FML.

Well thats a story to tell at his wedding.

jontel 8

Sadly that is pretty skilled to be able to shoot himself in the ass

RaquelW 7

he's not dumb, he's a master of physics!