By Anonymous - 14/07/2015 17:00 - United States - Bonita Springs

Today, I had to listen to Lou Bega's 'Mambo Number 5' on constant replay for 3 hours, because my little sister was trying to learn a dance for a recital. It would have been even longer than 3 hours, but she then realized that she was dancing to the wrong song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 828
You deserved it 1 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you not put head phones on and tune her out?

dacooliest 16

I would have left the house...or danced with her!


Why did you not put head phones on and tune her out?

Maybe OP didn't have access to headphones. In that case, that sucks.

dacooliest 16

I would have left the house...or danced with her!

iPixelCheese 19
Hunkapoo 19

maybe you could have asked your sister to turn it down a bit, that must have been annoying.

I think I'd find somewhere else to be for the day.

Little siblings can be annoying as hell, especially when they insist on doing something. Even worse when what they think they're doing is correct but it turns out badly.