By tpj24 - 08/01/2014 00:00 - United States - Ankeny

Today, I had to explain to one of my high school students that the importance of Pearl Harbor was not, in fact, because the Japanese stole the US pearl supply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 418
You deserved it 3 969

tpj24 tells us more.

Rest assured that I set the student straight.

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

It seems that you have a lot of teaching to do.

Jeez... Do people seriously believe that?


I can't be a teacher because I would have said that is absolutely right. then seen how long it took.

Well that is your job OP. I know it's pretty dumb, but obviously all this student's previous history teachers have failed to let them know

Wait a minute everyone. We don't know what she told the student and she could have been wrong too?

I weep for my generations future... sorry OP... FYL

That's what the government wants you to think!

NodakN8V 25

As a U.S. Navy veteran all I can say is wow some peoples kids

this... this upsets me... how could someone actually believe that..? I'm worried about my generation.

I cannot stop laughing at the stupidity.. Oh my gosh!

A movie came out about this too, not only that but how about doing some self-studying, researching etc...