How could you?

By Anonymous - 11/01/2021 02:30 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I saw the Steelers throw the game to the Browns. I get it, you don't want to go to the Superbowl, but could you try being more realistic than staged wrestling? FML
I agree, your life sucks 306
You deserved it 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kraths 16

The only time the Browns will make it to the Superbowl is if I take them there.

tounces7 27

Maybe they just suck? I mean they did get 37 pts so I'm not sure how that's "throwing the game". I dunno, I'm rooting for the Bills this year.


Kraths 16

The only time the Browns will make it to the Superbowl is if I take them there.

tounces7 27

Maybe they just suck? I mean they did get 37 pts so I'm not sure how that's "throwing the game". I dunno, I'm rooting for the Bills this year.

Waah Waah. Steelers threw the game? You think you know something about not being serious about winning? This is the first playoff win for the Browns (or Bengals) since 1994. But Steelers fans are the victims of an unjust conspiracy.

seductivesoup2 5

They were 11-0 until they lost 6 games in a row, 2 of which were back to back losses to Cleveland. I assume the regular season game where they lost to the Browns was rigged, too?

Wait... the Superbowl is going ahead? Talk about a super spreader event.

punkiebrew 8

I felt bad when Ben cried. He's just getting old. I've been there. Go Packers

its all garbo till the modern coloseum bring back the swords XD

PenguinPal3017 19

Someone lost all their money on a "sure thing", and now won't admit it's their fault.