This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By tinytiny1124 - 14/04/2014 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I had to convince my 3-year-old son that there were monsters in the house just so he would lie in bed and cuddle me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 246
You deserved it 28 321

Top comments

Well.. that's kind of desperate. Scaring a kid for yourself to cuddle o.o


That's a horrible thing to impress on a child that there are monsters in the house. Try consider self nurturing next time so you don't grasp for comfort from other people in cruel and terrifying ways. Shame on you.

It is a shame how unsurprised I am that there are bad parents like this out there. It's also a shame that I am still surprised that ignorant people can be so stupid as to openly admit to their stupidity in a public forum.

Fyl but I feel like this is gonna come back and bite you in the ass

Woah, wait... you scared your own child on purpose because you wanted a hug? That is one of the most selfish things I have ever heard. Who hurts someone they love like that for such selfish reasons? Especially a child! The kid trusts you to tell them about the world and to protect them when there's bad things, but instead you abuse your power to scare the kid so they'll cuddle you? Jerk move. Parents are supposed to love and care for their children, not scare the children so THEY will take care of YOUR needs.

There's no harm in checking, but not all kids like to cuddle and that's okay. Everyone is different, and its wrong to use a child like that for one's own needs.

If it makes you feel better OP, there were monsters in your house. Humans. It wasn't a lie, it was a riddle.

nachosbabygurl 9

Op never mentioned that her child was frightened by this. The child could have been hugging her because he thought she was frightened and wanted to make her feel better. I don't see why everyone is up in arms, In the book of bad parenting this isn't high on the list of concerns. More of a side note. But yeah, everybody attack the already depressed mother who desperatly needed a hug that day. Nice people!

Manipulating your own kid to force them to do what you want isn't 'high on the list of concerns' of bad parenting,merely because the child may have not been scared of her lie? OP,**** your child's life because you are their parent. Do you think your child is some kind of machine without feelings who should only want to obey you and satisfy your idiotic needs every second? Maybe if you didn't try to manipulate someone you are trying to bond with and force your whims on your own child you would get the affection you want.

rocker_chick23 27

88: no matter how depressed I am, I will never terrify my 6 year old so he could hug me. Only a horrible parent emotionally abuses a child like that.