This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By tinytiny1124 - 14/04/2014 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I had to convince my 3-year-old son that there were monsters in the house just so he would lie in bed and cuddle me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 246
You deserved it 28 321

Top comments

Well.. that's kind of desperate. Scaring a kid for yourself to cuddle o.o


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children. Just sayin'.

cosmicriver 17

This is a shoutout to everybody that has kids and posted a negative comment. Don't act like, or pretend that you haven't ever lied to your kids to get them to do something, or bribe them and so on and so forth. My son thinks that there are monsters living in our home, much like 90% of most other young children. We just make a game out of it. We battle them and chase them out together. We both have tons of fun, and I so enjoy seeing the look of pure happiness in his eyes. Sometimes kids don't want to cuddle, while most of the time mommies do. It sucks when your kiddo doesn't want to lay with you, or cuddle. They don't really understand the importance or meaning of it, and how truly meaningful it is to we parents at that point. Plus, what kid wants to lie still while awake, anyways? Sometimes we mommies have do things like that to get what we NEED. Whether it's monsters for cuddling, or telling them that babies come from storks (which I disagree with. Be honest, in a child friendly manner.) you would be surprised at how many people still do that. Back to the point. Let's not get off topic, now. Santa Claus and his elves watching them 24/7...all yr long...every day...even when their sleeping as a threat to be good or the child will receive no gifts, only coal..... And bribing them with candy, toys, playtime, privileges etc to get them to do something. You get the point, I hope. Have a good night, folks.

Bit of a difference between scaring your child towards their own home - what is meant to be a SAFE environment - and exchanging a positive reward for their cooperation on something.

I agree with 151. Inducing fear in a child because it doesnt give the parent what it needs is in my opinion just plain bad parenting.

rocker_chick23 27

There is a difference in telling a little white lie or rewarding good behavior and emotionally scarring a child.

That's neither a FML nor a YDI. That's just really shitty, narcissistic parenting.

You're horrible. He's going to have a complex now because of you and you better be there to help him through his issues. You were right about the are one of them.

That's ****** up. Putting your own needs above your child's?!