By Anonymous - 11/10/2012 19:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to be treated for chemical burns, because my mother got the bright idea of using paint thinner to clean me up after I'd painted our living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 419
You deserved it 3 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And the reason you lived past infancy is....?

You didn't realize she was about to use paint thinner on your skin?


I use paint thinner to clean my hands every time I paint, never once have I got chemical burns. this is only an Fml cause you have sensitive skin..

The same thing happened to me except i was doing community service painting a fence

jaystreet46 4

Paint thinner is no big deal people. I used to use it whenever I painted with oil based pants to clean my hands.

ue lanturn oil, its works like a wateres down paint thinner, just wash it off riht away yah dingus!

I work at a body shop. I clean my hands with thinner everyday, maybe it was something different.

oKap1 15

You say it like she forced paint thinner onto you. You could've said no.

Paint thinner never hurt me. That's odd that it would burn you.