By IHeartBlueJay - 08/02/2013 05:31 - United States

Today, I had my gallbladder removed. I have a very painful incision in my belly that makes any kind of movement excruciating. I've had the hiccups 5 times so far. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 533
You deserved it 2 401

IHeartBlueJay tells us more.

IHeartBlueJay 14

Yeah they did it laparoscopically. And any kind of major surgery is going to be painful, but having it done laparoscopically is much, much better than an open incision! Try not to worry, it's a very safe surgery and they'll take good care of you :)

Top comments

Feel your pain! Had my spleen removed some years back.. Not very fun being ticklish and have 3 older brothers...


This makes no sense..?? Anyways.. I hope you feel better OP, and just try drinking water upside down, that helps best for me (:

OP can't even hiccup without hurting, and you think acrobatics are the answer? I bet you've got an incision of your own from that lobotomy...

SApprentice 34

I do believe that Pleonasm was making a pun. The gallbladder is in the abdomen, and OP had an abdominal incision, so the word "galling" fits. I like it, anyway.

The internet is a vast resource of information, and in the time it took all of you to thumb me down and say you don't understand just one word, you could have looked up that word's definition on google, no? I mean, nothing against you guys, but it wasn't that hard to look it up... Galling: annoying, irritating, vexing, to cause chagrin, upsetting, aggravating, painful etc etc.

I don't think I've heard (well, read) someone in my generation use the word "galling" outside of my group of friends! Bravo!

vadaaa 11

6- I read your bio. What a special little snowflake you are :)

tjv3 10

Wait til someone comes over with a comedy movie or starts telling funny stories . Hope ya feel better soon

I've heard holding your breath helps, hope you feel better OP

oj101 33

I'd tell the OP to gulp a glass of water quickly- but ironically OP probably wouldn't be able to stomach it. A catch 22 situation indeed.

I find a spoon full of peanut butter works best!

Won't help, any sudden movement will hurt. Even if you hold it.

Ouch... I can't even think if something funny to say about this so: You have my sympathy.

Feel your pain! Had my spleen removed some years back.. Not very fun being ticklish and have 3 older brothers...

When I had mine removed I can't even tell you how many times I had to sneeze... Not to mention the fact that they made me walk out of the hospital because the elevator was broken.

I had my appendix removed, and they filled my entire abdomen with gas for the surgery, they told my I had to options, to burp or fart it out, and it took an entire 24 hours. But hiccups after your bladder being removed is far worse.

I tried to sleep in the top bunker of my bed the first night, after the 2 week hospital stay.(the bottom part was my couch) I barely made it down the next day :p

SApprentice 34

Ugh, I feel your pain, OP. I've had many surgeries, and it seems like every single time that I wake up from general anaesthesia I battle hiccups for several hours. It's awful. If you can eat, try nomming on a spoonful of peanut butter. It tends to stop the hiccups, at least for me. Good luck. It should stop within the next day or so.

I've noticed that too. When I had my right kidney removed a few years back, I seemed to suffer from an uncontrollable bout of hiccuping right after waking up from the surgery. I feel your pain, OP. Get better soon!

oj101 33

Is it just me, or everyone had surgery at some point? I've never had or needed an operation. I've not even had a filling.

25 - You're just very fortunate. :) I've had two major surgeries (both on my pesky kidneys) but no fillings or dental work. Which is just as well really, since I'm terrified of the dentist.

Lucky indeed #25. I've had 19 major surgeries. Although I have to say I've never had hiccups after one of them. That being said I totally sympathize with everyone who's had hiccups. After a bone graft surgery someone thought it was funny to tickle me. Lets just say I was in no way amused.

All these surgeries and NOBODY got any painkillers?!?!

52 - Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I was pretty young when I had my surgeries (6 when I had my first, 7 when I had my kidney removed) so pumping me full of painkillers wouldn't of been the best thing to do, but the painkillers I was given weren't particularly effective. Surgical incisions HURT (especially if they are several inches long, like mine were), and some painkillers barely touch the pain.

Yes I had painkillers, but when you have major surgeries the point of incision is still painful. So even though I wasn't in severe pain while sitting around, if someone tickled me or I had the hiccups it would be painful.

Jessj958 19

#52, as someone else already stated, you do get painkillers after the surgery but its pretty hard to take away 100% of the pain. The incision is really sore for a while afterwards. I have only had 2 c-sections and they were painful. Getting up out of the bed the 1st time was the hardest thing I had done in a long time. My mom had her gallbladder removed and she said it was more painful than having a hysterectomy because of the air they pump in you stomach.

Yeah they don't really work that well after surgery...

Sad, OP. You can't help the hiccups. But reading FMLs with a belly incision sounds like you're asking for it.

SnoochBoochie 14
Jessj958 19

#10, OP never said anything and about reading FMLs and laughing. OP is hurting because he/she has had hiccups 5 times, and that's the cause of OPs pain.

64, sometimes laughing really hard can give you hiccups...? It was a bit of an obscure reference, yes...

I suppose scaring you wouldn't help either.

Breath in, release the air and then gulp a glass of water! That always makes my hiccups go away. Hope it helps!

Spoon full of sugar will cure your hiccups. Seriously.

If it really won't go away, go to your local ER and ask for Thorazine. Yes, the same Thorazine that's used as an anti-psychotic. Seriously. Look it up.

SApprentice 34

18- Would that actually work, though? In my experiences so far, if you suggest a medication to the ER doctors, they look at you like you're insane and then give you an opposite medication. I don't mean to be a bitch or anything, I really am just curious. Maybe I have just brought the subject up badly, but it always seems to me that if you mention any medication to a doctor they will deny it to you on the principal that you are somehow trying to misuse it. I feel like it's almost better to just keep my mouth shut and let them prescribe whatever they want. Switching doctors is hell for me, because even with proven medical records they still try to put me on different medications. It's completely understandable, because I know that many people are just trying to get drugs, but I just can't imagine an emergency room doctor prescribing a pill that is usually an anti-psychotic if you suggest it to them. Wouldn't they just assume that you're lying or misinformed, then give you something else?

If an ER doc has never heard of using Thorazine for hiccoughs, then he deserves to have his licence revoked. As for suggesting a medication, there's a difference between asking for morphine and suggesting a non-narcotic medication. You could always say that a doctor friend brought it up. NEVER say "Well, google says..."

SApprentice 34

I realize that there's a difference between asking for narcotics and asking for other medications, Doc, I was never suggesting that was my problem. Even when I need pain medications I turn it down as much as possible, because a few years ago I had some extensive damage done to my body and ended with a mild addiction to the pain meds. I'd rather not experience that again. I would also never demand that a doctor give me certain medications, nor do I search google for possible medications to suggest to them. That would be disrespectful, as I do not have the years of schooling and experience that they do. The issues that I'm talking about can be as simple as getting a doctor to re-prescribe my 50mg nitrofur for bladder issues, or the proton pump inhibitors that I have needed since my C-Diff infection. It took me over three months just to convince my new doctor to give me the desoximetasone that I have been using for ten years, because my last doctor had left the facility and the new one was unfamiliar with the gel. Again, I am really not trying to be hateful or rude, I've just spent my life in hospitals all the time and, personally, I have yet to have a doctor just prescribe something that I talk about with them. It always takes several appointments, and I usually have to try to switch to the new medications that they want me to try instead. Maybe it's just the doctors in my area though, or maybe I am actually being a dick about it without realizing it. That's okay. I'm very sorry for the long reply, I'll go away now.

See, I've found the opposite. I often get prescribed what I recommend to my doctor, but then again, I'm allergic to the universe. She generally trusts me to know what I can and can't have. Narcotics included. I'm fine with morphine, but codeine turns my skin into a pile of angry, itchy hives. Same goes for Vicodin. So after surgery, I get morphine. I got put on Thorazine for a bit after my last surgery. I couldn't stop hiccoughing to save my life. They thought I was going to tear the stitches. Gave me some loopy side effects, but better than the alternative. I thought I was going to die.