By jadehin - 08/11/2010 01:09 - United States

Today, I had a small gathering of family and friends over to celebrate my son's baptism. One of my friends happens to be a police officer. The entire event consisted of him arresting three of my family members. Don't worry, he came back to get some cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 433
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see anything wrong with this as long as everyone got cake.

That's what you get for combining your son's baptism with your annual underground ****-fighting night.


Epic222662 0

You deserve it for trying to make your child a religiousfag. Throwing a child naked into water and holding him like simbah ain't normal broski ;D

I want to be a federal agent/detective and if I was off duty and saw someone participating in illegal activity, I would not hesitate to make the proper move and have them arrested.

I would have told him to stay out of my house, you're the stupid ass for letting him back...

How dare Policemen do their job! How dare they just let people do what they want because he knows them! People today! So rude! Ok sarcasm aside, this is not a FMyLife worthy post. Why? You invited a cop to a party and he did his job, maybe your family shouldn't be low life scum who need to get axed. If he's a dick cop, then why is he your friend? You deserve it through and through, at least your son is alive.

dgag116 0

if this were my kids shower I would have thrown him out at the crack of a whip.