By NevertheKool - 07/05/2015 21:43 - United States - Union City

Today, I had a plan. I was going to get up early, eat a well balanced breakfast, put on my workout clothes and enjoy this beautiful day with a fulfilling jog. Instead, I put on my workout clothes, spent hours on social media, ate a pizza, and ended up falling asleep on my couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 756
You deserved it 28 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*couch* I don't think you slept on your coach, I think he would have made you run

Ydi for not having motivation and complaining about it online.


"Slept on your coach".... That either turned out really good or dissapointing

Hey hey, we've all been there, story of my life life actually SMH

kimespinosa 13

you fell asleep on the coach?

If you call it a jog, that's probably the type of person you are, with no motivation

typhoonfire8 4

There's always tomorrow OP. Today is always to do nothing