By Smitty Werbenjeagermanjensen - 27/10/2016 03:19 - United States - Amarillo

Today, I had a conversation with the cute girl I like at work for the first time. I told her I worked in the camping department of the store, and we had a long chat about how she heard that the guy who runs that department is a complete dick head. I am the guy who runs that department. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 614
You deserved it 2 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh, you must've misheard them. It's like the telephone game; it probably started as 'that guy /has/ a huge dick' and then the H gradually went away with each telling."

Well if the conversation went well she might change her mind.


"He's just misunderstood and really has a heart of gold. Sometimes his passion to serve customers and make them happy is resented by others. He is beloved by those close to him."

cootiequeen4444 11

If you run a department, is it even kosher to be wanting to date someone else who works there?

Different departments might allow for some leeway. Wouldn't it mean that he has no influence?

Ask her who said it, then go chew them out. If they already think you're a dick you might as well.