By boss stabber - 04/01/2015 06:52 - United States - Kings Beach

Today, I got reprimanded by my boss for saying "It's a stab in the dark, though." According to him, it's a euphemism for anal sex and I was being offensive to a gay colleague, the same one who kept insisting it was no problem. I got written up anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 520
You deserved it 2 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see how that could've been offensive to gay people

HeadlessSparrow 20

Horrible Bosses 3: FML edition


even if it wasn't you in this case, you should be glad that your boss protects his subordinates.

Not really, no. This reaction is not about protecting someone. Maybe the company OP works for has been sued several times or recently, so they are overly cautious. If that's not the case the way I see it his boss either was in a bad mood and took this as an excuse to take it out on OP (******** move) or is trying to build a paper trail with bullshit offenses which can ultimately result in OP facing disciplinary measures, being denied a promotion or in the worst case getting fired (which is even more of a ******** move).

Google the idiom and show him the real meaning.

I'm gay and use this phrase all the time. What the actual **** is wrong with your boss?

Your boss is probably just a sexually frustrated in-the-closet guy who hates straight people. I've met a few myself who blow up randomly.

Your name at the top makes me nervous…

quarterbird 18

That sucks, OP. Your boss is a moron. Anyone who isn't a moron would have naturally assumed that it was a differentiation of "a shot in the dark". You should have suggested googling the phrase to settle the matter.

It took me about 2 minutes to understand that euphemism... Now that I understand it I can't stop laughing.. I love toilet humor!