By Lena - 27/03/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I got a small scar on my faced removed at a plastic surgeon's. Afterward, I told my mom that losing the scar felt weird, like I lost something that gave me character. My mom replied, "Don't worry, you have plenty of other flaws to give you character." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 049
You deserved it 7 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ozac 0

She probably said it more sarcastically, then actually meaning it...

How small a scar? Vanity might be one of those flaws.


ozac 0

She probably said it more sarcastically, then actually meaning it...

She is probably jealous. Just ignore the bitch.

we might have the same mother - that sounds like mine!

How small a scar? Vanity might be one of those flaws.

melissa_03 0

it kind of sounds like she was kidding..

AntiChrist7 0

that happens if you whine up about a scar

this does not sound like an FML, tbh

This is not an FML. There's a popular saying you simply must not hear too often, but it goes pretty much like what your mother said. The idea is that everyone is different because of their flaws. If everyone was perfect we would all be the same. The differences, the flaws, shape and define our character and uniqueness. It wasn't anything mean she said (I think).