By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 18:48 - United States

Today, I got a missed call from my dad, who hasn't talked to me in months and has vowed not to have anything to do with me. I called him back excitedly and apologized for missing his call, and we had a 20-second conversation about how his phone accidentally dialed my number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 159
You deserved it 3 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please. He probably called you and hung up on purpose to make you feel like crap.


MOL_fml 0

Ha, my Dad is divorced from my Mom (my Mom has full custody of me) he had moved to a new house with his new wife, apparently I've never been there, I just know the name of the city in which he lives in. BUt even then he still talks to me since he's basiclly my computer mechanic.... It maybe be because your annoying, I hate my Grandma because she's annoying too.

Why does 18 assume the OP is female? I always forget that people disown their kids for being gay. Hm.

michaelscot23 0

could be the big female sign next to her name, but who knows

Are you blind? Or did you never learn what the male/female signs look like?

Alice_Cullen7 0

Aww... poor you! Best of luck!

25- I assumed it was a male. Because this person has a computer and a phone.. Most strung out prostitutes don't. And that's usually the only reason a father wouldn't talk to a daughter. Male children however can either kill someone, or be gay to fall out of grace with their father, or hit their mom...

#11 - oh shut up with your little pity parade or at least get your own FML. I'm so sick of people who feel the need to "one up" someone else's shitty life.

Reading comprehension fail on my part. I assumed female for no particular reason, but now I've got to agree with you. Poor OP. :(

that must have really hurt. i'm so sorry. and i dont think anyone needs to know why this person's dad vowed not to have anything to do with him/her.

#11: in my experience it's MUCH worse to have something and lose it than to never have it at all. i never knew my dad either. so what? move on. aaand this sucks, i'm so sorry that happened :[

Really 27? Female children can also be gay... not that being gay is at all an excuse for a father to disown their child. Female children can also kill someone (though I would think that if Dad found out you killed someone and wanted to have nothing to do with you, he would also turn you in) and get pregnant (and keep the child and keep their life together.) It's also quite presumptuous to say that this person, male or female, did anything wrong. You know nothing about this person. And to the writer, I'm really sorry. That's really ****** up.