By Tim - 07/08/2011 02:49 - United States

Today, I found that there is nothing worse than coming home to a snake slithering across your kitchen floor. Except when it disappears into your cabinets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 722
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it wasn't a naked man slithering across your kitchen floor…

Snaaaaake, snaaaaaake, ohhhhh itttssss aaa snaaaaake...


Susieee_Q 9

I wouldn't say there's "nothing" worse than that.... I can think of plenty of things worse than a snake. Say, the holocaust is worse than a snake. Being brutally killed is worse than a snake. Any natural disaster is worse than a snake. Listening to Lil' Wayne or Katy Perry is worse than a snake. Hell, even two snakes is worse than a snake. Although it is still not ideal, so I'll give you this one.

...what about being brutally killed by a snake? I mean, it can sneak up behind you, kill you in silence, and hide the evidence...or is that a different snake? ANSWER ME!

Susieee_Q 9

Oh, boy. Well, brutally killing in silence would be a challenge in the first place. Nearly impossible. But assuming it happens, being silently, brutally killed by a snake who has the capacity to hide its evidence is still far worse than the a snake who hides in your kitchen. At least, I sure hope it's a different snake....

Jeez where the hell do u live op, The zoo?

catnip1997 0

how did a snake get in your cabinet? snakes don't fly...o wait..

well instead of going into your cabinet it could have eaten your pets and bit you, so yeah there are loads of things that could be worse. And if it is too small to do any of those things i really don't see a problem here.

bettyc4 26 it me or does anyone else see how sexual this is...?

brycehostens 0

Disappearing into your cabinets is GOOD. That means you can go close the cabinet, lock it (or block it somehow) to trap the snake there, then call a reptile handler to come and remove it. It's better knowing where it is trapped than not knowing where it is in the house.

how about you waking up to a snake slithering across your bed. I would shit myself if that happened