By you fucking idiot - 19/12/2013 17:20 - United States - Union

Today, I found out the money my husband's been funneling from our bank account wasn't for drugs or gifts for another girl like I thought. It was for a guy he stupidly believed was a foreign diplomat, who supposedly needed to bribe officials in order to send us several million dollars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 474
You deserved it 4 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay, OP. You'll soon have that money back, plus millions. You just have to wait for the guy to be able to leave the refugee camp, and you're all set.

Foreign diplomat? Wow, your husband must really be a fool. Now if you excuse me, a Nigerian prince is asking me if I can lend him a couple of thousands.


He's a special kind of stupid, and you married him!

nhormuss 17

Don't worry, that diplomat is really your rich great great uncle, who just died and left a fortune! All you have to do is send $500 for trnasfer fees and it's all yours!

k_lylepad 19

Look on the bright side. At least your husband isn't cheating on you.

I sure hope he doesn't get an email about entering his social security number for a chance to win the lottery....

My Uncle felk for a double reverse mortgage scam and he is one of the smartest people I know. There IS a person that gets the response and they CAN be crafty if you aren't careful. I hope you didn't lose everything. I am so sorry this happened to you. Tip I am IT do NOT trusy ANY techie who calls you to give you tech support. NO legitimate tech company cold calls.

Epikouros 31

Intelligent people who think they're being clever are the group most likely to fall for scams like this. Just like 'alternative medicine' or investing in tropical tree plantations. People who got bad grades in school are usually more careful with schemes they don't understand.

Shepardspie71 8

At least if it was a gf. He would have gotten a return on his investment

I have a great house for sale, it has a wonderful view of the rockies in Minnesota if interested

Those "foreign diplomats" just keep getting more & more clever. You cant fix stupid. Love conquers all.

Well at least you know he's not on drugs or cheating on you.

i would have preferred he was doing drugs. an addiction you can work with, but you can't fix stupid.