By FML - 29/07/2011 04:20 - United States

Today, I found out that when you kick another man in the snowglobes and he smiles at you, there's something creepily wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 301
You deserved it 7 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lindseyluvszac 4

Yes, but still, why did you kick him in the first place?

gunmania0 12


baccaz16 0

Maybe he was itchy there anyway

LadieyMoonk 0

You didnt know if the man did or didnt lile it he woulda beat the shit outta u assuming yu jus stood there

theblackzach 0

Well obviously he wanted to get rid of the globes in the first place ;p

mibs3 11

depending on the situation he may have been wearing a cup and thought it was funny

JennyBear101 0

I've never heard someone call them snowglobes

What kind of guy kicks another guy in the marbles?

problemchildHWD 0
problemchildHWD 0