By bookbroke - 26/04/2016 04:27 - Canada - Regina

Today, I found out that someone found my lost library card, and instead of returning it, took out multiple items. If they don't return them, I'm on the hook to paying over $100 for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 025
You deserved it 1 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report it. Tell the library you lost your card and someone else has been using it without your permission. I'm sure if you explain it they won't charge you.

DeadxManxWalking 27

the librarian who checked them out should be able to identify that you're not the person who checked them out. show an ID as proof.


Report it. Tell the library you lost your card and someone else has been using it without your permission. I'm sure if you explain it they won't charge you.

DeadxManxWalking 27

the librarian who checked them out should be able to identify that you're not the person who checked them out. show an ID as proof.

where I live they have self check machines. May be the se for op

AdamTodddBrown 11

You don't show ID to check out books at a public library. Anyone can use anyone's card. Families share cards. It's not that out of the ordinary. OP should've reported it lost sooner.

DeadxManxWalking 27

@15: I meant as a proof of name and picture

At our libraries you have to have a photo on file which will pop up when your card is scanned. And only one of our branches has self-checkout, but I rarely see anyone use it.

Yeah but you may be making a pretty big assumption when you think that the librarian remembers every person who checks out a book, along with what book they got. Certainly not the case in cities and colleges.

Yes, and if you still visited them, you might know that the correct pluralization is "libraries." :-P

Did you honestly think there weren't any libraries

No you see pandas are real and bears are no

PePziNL 20

No they don't have the right koalafications

It don't understand why such a serious issue was posted on FML. It starts with a stolen library card, but pretty soon, your family won't be able to tell the difference between you and the thief. They'll laugh as he makes allusions to "Huckleberry Finn" and "Crime and Punishment" that /you/ might've thought of if you'd taken them out. Pretty soon, your beloved child will be asking /him/ to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" to them!

Was it necessary to criticize the poster like that? What exactly are you trying to accomplish by trying to tear the poster of this FML down?

I don't know if you're joking or not, but I sure was. I was trying to combine literature theft and identity theft for comedic purposes. I'm genuinely confused by how anything I wrote would tear the poster down or criticize him.

at least you know the person uses it well

Did you report it stolen or lost in the first place? They should have flagged it in their system so that no one could use it. If so, then fyl. If you didn't, then ydi.

Exactly my thought. When you lose things that can cost you money out cause other problems, first thing you do is report them lost and have them deactivated.

They probably thought it was just misplaced, and that they would find it. And if someone else found it, it was an unlikely target for theft. Clearly, the theft happened. But to say as soon as you misplace something as usually innocuous as a library card you should have canceled it, so YDI, seems a bit extreme.

It's a small ydi for a small damage. IF they don't report it missing they should be aware that it can potentially cause problems. Sure, most people will take that risk because it is a small one, but it's still their fault for not taking precautions.

YDI for not reporting your card lost as soon as you found out you lost it...