By cereal mom - 07/07/2018 15:00

Today, I found out that my ex let my son eat nothing but cereal and milk for every single meal during his five-day visit. Now my son shrieks, cries, and has a meltdown if I try to make him eat real food. My ex merely replied, "Your problem now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 019
You deserved it 443

Same thing different taste

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Sounds like your ex is trying to turn your son against you. You need to put your foot down with both of them.

This is technically child neglect which is child abuse, because he neglected to feed your son a proper diet and did so intentionally, time for child protective services.


azouwa 26

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not necessarily. Most cereals are really bad for you and full of sugar. regardless, kids need a balanced diet.

It would've been best if this specific person didn't want to see their kid if this is how they care for them.

Sounds like your ex is trying to turn your son against you. You need to put your foot down with both of them.

If he doesn't eat what you give him, then he doesn't eat. Eventually he'll get hungry enough to eat it. Kids wont purposely starve themselves.

People always say this but it depends on the child. I've known two separate children who made themselves very sick by refusing to eat. One's parents eventually gave up and just started letting the kid fix his own meals. The other one wound up in the Behavioral health hospital being threatened with having a feeding tube inserted. I know that for a lot of kids the "If they don't want what they are served then they don't eat" thing works but there are definitely kids in the world who are willing to starve before giving in.

TomeDr 24

Time to contact the Friend of the Court. Visitation rights might need to be amended.

I guess it’s time to start the eat what you’re given or starve plan

ViviMage 38

I wouldn't let this man near your kid unless he's the biological father, and if he is, you can always go back to your divorce decree with the court to limit his visitations. My father either wouldn't feed me or he'd take me to Old Country Buffet once a day, maybe once every 2 days, and tell me to eat till I throw up. I have a lifelong eating disorder because if this. It's not worth it for your son.

thatslifeiguess7 16

I've been down this road before. The court will say he fed him. If a parent sees the kid and pays child support the court doesn't give a rats arse

and if the doctor or health clinician says the food was not nutritious and a dangerously unhealthy diet? surely they'd do something then.

This is technically child neglect which is child abuse, because he neglected to feed your son a proper diet and did so intentionally, time for child protective services.

Donut_Wizard 23

Looks like your ex played some Trix on you and is turning your Life into a Total disaster. Maybe he was Raisin Bran awareness just for Kix?

ChromoTec 24

I cereal potential in your puns, but they might need a little work. Maybe one day you'll find your Lucky Charms.

OP, don't let your kid see his dad until he apologizes. For now, it's HIS problem, too. Good luck! :-)

If it is court agreed visitation, that wouldn't bode well for mom.