By WTF?!?! - 09/09/2010 00:11 - United States

By WTF?!?! - 09/09/2010 00:11 - United States
By Peter Steele love - 18/10/2015 00:49 - United Kingdom - Clevedon
By Sarah - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco
By ishouldntdrink - 10/01/2010 15:11 - United States
By GonnaGetFired - 31/03/2010 00:11 - United States
By ikickgingers - 19/10/2011 16:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/10/2013 17:30 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 04/04/2023 16:00
By Anonymous - 07/10/2021 08:00 - United States - West Lafayette
By Anonymous - 04/02/2023 12:00
By Anonymous - 26/09/2011 18:20 - United States
promotion! (:
Ask for a raise. You're in prime position for blackmail! On the bright side, this means your boss digs you, which can't be too bad :)
Boss pipi stinks! Loser!
hey- you give him a raise, he gives you a raise
get I there ;)
now you'll never get fired!
god I hope OP is a girl
#80 I doubt it would matter.
are u a guy or girl op?
of course u thought tht
Why does it matter if op or boss is a guy or girl?
Lmao I Know Right ?! It Looks Soo Weird xD
is that a Roor??
wake n bake. nuff said
Well your gonna have to. Pretend like it never happened and if he mentions it act confused and say a friend pranked you.
Is your boss hot? I assume that's why you wanted them in the first place. Don't have much advice, if it was a real problem maybe consult a lawyer as to who is more "in the wrong". Since your boss is in a position of power, their actions are probably weighted more seriously. Anyways, that was stupid of you.
pfft. I've been drunk and drove my car several times, and I NEVER killed anyone, or even caused an accident! clearly, people do stupid things and then blame it on the alcohol.
I hope you die you inbred puke. Just don't take anyone with you when you do.
Yeah, really. I know people who act stupid after 1 drink, as if that's enough to get them drunk. Studies have shown that people given placebo and told it's alcohol tend to get stupid faster than those who are given alcohol and told it's placebo. Physical inhibition is mostly from the alcohol; mental inhibition is mostly from the person using alcohol as an excuse.
I agree wit 17 there's somthing called a drunk dial for all the retards out thare.
you are ******! drink driving KILLS! are you ******* retarded!? think of the familys if you accidently killed someone! my dads bosses daughter went to the USA and went to a pub with her cousin, she got shitfaced and picked up a guy. they drove home and she thought it all went okay and her and the guy went upstairs. the next morning she found out that she had DECAPITIATED her cousin! cause she was puking out the window and she drove over the speed limit past a pole! her cousin is DEAD and she is in a MENTAL INSTITUTION! cause she was so destroyed! it takes one second to change your life FOREVER! I hope you don't ever get hurt, not because I care for you, AT ALL after your comment. but your family dosent deserve that.
btw that was to #33
I agree 5!! 'Ask and you shall receive.' I'd try to find a new job asap!!!
ride it to the top, no pun intended : p
ROFL! That's too funny! YDI 100% for getting so drunk as to not remember!
ahaha. u asked do ydi. I wudnt be afraid. u coul get a promotion.
ya cause it wouldnt be important for calling a taxi or a ride or anything
promotion! (:
Well your gonna have to. Pretend like it never happened and if he mentions it act confused and say a friend pranked you.