By Anonymous - 10/12/2013 21:06 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I found out that I am bleeding from my cervix and must refrain from having sex for the next two weeks. My fiancé pointedly asked if my cervix has anything to do with my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 064
You deserved it 11 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask him if his mouth has any connection to his brain. What an ass.

Jelbeztok 17

if i were you, im pretty sure i'd make him wait a while even after the two weeks.


Ask him if there's anything wrong with *his* mouth. No reason why you should be deprived of sexual satisfaction just because you can't handle intercourse at the moment.

Although I agree with the comment about "They don't shut down the whole amusement park just 'cuz one rides broke." (as they could still do foreplay of some kind) I think he could have worded it in a better way. One that doesn't sound like he's only concerned for himself, but rather concern for both of them.

He's right. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

I think the fiancee should be the one that is pleasing her if she feels up to it! Being she is the one with the condition right now, he should be doing everything he can for her at the moment! Maybe if he was pleasing her like he should be, she would return the favor!?!?!?

he's an optimus (yea I'm sure I spelled the word wrong)

Sounds like the old "What did your dentist say?" joke

skyeyez9 24

So you have a medical problem and all he can think about is himself. He sounds like a selfish asshole.

someindiandude 6

can't believe no one said this yet.....'he said what? Just blow him away'

I'm not sure which is more appalling. Op's fiancee's comment or all the commenters that seem to think it's a woman's job to satisfy her man anyway necessary, regardless of her own condition.