By brannie - 30/01/2012 00:26 - United States

Today, I found out that Google+ has been automatically uploading my cell phone pictures as I take them. My friends have now seen pictures of me, my penis, and other things too horrifying to talk about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 46 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's like that stupid feature on Facebook that tells people what articles you've been reading. No privacy at all. But anyways, taking "dick pics" is never a good idea.

what photos have you been taking that are worse than ones of your dick? just out of curiosity!


GiggityGiggles 0

By default they have to be made public when you get on the full site, obviously you changed that

Kristoffer 35

liar. those pictures require your intervenion otherwise they're private to you.

Holy crap! I just checked my google+ pics. Same thing here... But as people mentioned you do have to click "share" in order for people to see it

I think Google+ only uploads the photos online but it's up to you whether you want to share it or not.

madgrinchhatter 12

If you want to send a girl a dick pick, buy a disposable one and mail her a photo

Don't worry dude, if it's on Google+ NOBODY has seen it :)

WHY DO GUYS DO THAT?!!!! Girls never take pictures of their ******!!! Sheesh...

Never is a bit harsh I know a few that do. They should do more often though as I rether see that then some penis

You imbecile! This is why you check your settings before uploading pics of your dick in your hand.