By jwhizzle - 20/10/2011 11:51 - Australia

Today, I found my "lost" bicycle in my best friend's garage. I've been having to catch two buses to get to work for the past few months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 261
You deserved it 3 041

Same thing different taste


Maybe you accidentally left it over there one day and you just forgot where you left it?

He/she forgot to tell you that they found it and decided to keep it in their garage for safe keeping.

and when I say safe keeping I mean "safe keeping"

duckie1015 9

I feel like "best friend" should be in quotes too

stewpididiot 11

Eh, it probably saved your life. Getting hit by cars is a common side effect of bicycle riding.

Yes, that's it, the OP's friend was just looking out for his health out of genuine concern... /sarcasm

If you left it there, YDI. If he stole it, FYL.

so did he steal it.. or you just forfot you kept it there?