By kerry - 20/01/2010 05:30 - Canada

Today, I found a piece of rice in my belly button. I can't remember the last time I ate or handled rice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 513
You deserved it 37 096

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Maybe your boyfriend threw up a little in your belly button when he caught a whiff of your stinky puss.

or maybe OP is a guy? it'd make more sense that his boyfriend saw his gross saggy stuff and threw up a little in his bellybutton. getchyo facts straight! lol

That's not right!!!! Maybe you shower more often???

pipp360 0

thats an mlia not an fml dumbass

Um, I don't know about your life, but in mine it's certainly not average to find rice in my bellybutton. Some of us have basic hygiene habits.

candycane1373 0

You're supposed to clean your belly button after every shower. Practice better hygene.

AliMarie 0

I was eating when I read this. And it really just made me not hungry anymore.

You might want to check your feline companion for tape worms. The segments that come out can sometime be found around the cat's sleeping area, and they look just like rice when they are dried up.

Tomaino 3

God, this comment was too much. I have Chinese food that I was going to eat for lunch, now it's gone to waste. Ugh.

igroomdogs 0

This was my first thought also. if you do have a cat/dog...get thee to a vet and bring a fresh poo from them with you! luckily tapeworm in animals is fairly quick and inexpensive to treat!