By InsertPopcicle - 22/11/2013 06:53 - United States

Today, I forgot I left my tampons in a grocery bag packed with food that I put into the fridge. I realized two hours later while frantically looking for a tampon. I'm still cold down there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 168
You deserved it 12 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who puts an entire bag of groceries into the fridge? Don't you have a system according to which items are organised in there? You know, like normal people?

you may be on to something there OP. cold temperatures slow the rate of blood flow and help with muscle cramps. now it only matters if sticking a popsicle up there is worth the results


paramor3 23

A new meaning to being a frigid she beast! Are you sure you didn't mix them up with your Popsicles? Whoops

KayleeFrye 39

Two pieces of advice. 1. Actually UNLOAD and put away your groceries. Stop being so lazy, and it makes it easier to find something when you need it. 2. Don't wait until you're completely out of tampons to get more. Go to the store when you only have 3 or 4 left. Plan ahead! Do you let your car run out of gas before you fill up the tank?

Rubycup all the way - saves money and definitely solves this issue!

It's ironic if you consider your username...

Do you realize how many lovely "frigid" sexual cliches you can fulfill now?

avril2nite 2

Well guys, she was having her period so maybe she didn't care to put the groceries away.