By goodbye - 09/03/2009 00:45 - Canada

Today, I finally got up the nerve to ask this really cute girl out I've had a crush on for over eight months. Turns out she isn't a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 127

Top comments

You know I'm in love with this chick Because it seems we really click There's no room for doubt I think I'll ask her out Wait... did you say she has a dick?

oooh, tough break. The last four girls I've asked out told me they only like girls. Keep swinging.



That happened to a book character too, he's gay.

heythereyouu_fml 4
Baytheshark 14

I wonder if these ancient FMLs even get comment moderation any more. (Though there seems to be an automated moderation trigger, based on identical content.) :-P