By goodbye - 09/03/2009 00:45 - Canada

Today, I finally got up the nerve to ask this really cute girl out I've had a crush on for over eight months. Turns out she isn't a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 127

Top comments

You know I'm in love with this chick Because it seems we really click There's no room for doubt I think I'll ask her out Wait... did you say she has a dick?

oooh, tough break. The last four girls I've asked out told me they only like girls. Keep swinging.


You found out when he said yes, you hugged and felt something poking into your thigh?

don't worry doesn't mean u gay....if ur not trololol

I guess the flat chestedness wasnt a tip off? Im wondering how it played out.. "Stephanie, would you go to the movies with me?" "Dude. My name us John. and only if we see Fast Five."