By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 07:01 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to make a move on the guy I've been crushing on. I asked him if he would like to go see a movie with me. He answered, "Sorry, I've already seen it." I didn't even mention any particular movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 854
You deserved it 4 321

Same thing different taste


Well you learnt something today, the guy you have a crush on is a prick and is dumb. He's a dumb prick.

Sounds like you need to watch the movie "He's Just Not That Into You".

We all get rejected OP. Just shake it off :)

Mr25_fml 14

Maybe try a more direct approach? Simply hand him a ticket and say "it starts at 7."

Why waste your money on a guy that clearly isn't interested in you?

vencku 13

That is bossy, if not outright creepy. I wouldn't go if someone tried that on me. If they don't accept "no", I'd throw the ticket away. Or sell it.

it worked for me tbh. but it were concert tickets for an exclusive show of my fav band. i was impressed that he did that much of an effort!

Meh, But if you had "absolutely no interest" in that guy, I don't think it would be fair to him to lead him on that way. Unless of course you were indeed up front.(:

Well, now you know he doesn't like you...

Obviously his not interested... I suggest your forget him...

Today, I commented on an FML. I wrote that 'If he can't be honest with you and let down gently, he isn't worth it. I hope it wasn't because you told him you had been "crushing" on him'. Sadly, I had to use the word "tween" to describe the sort of person who uses the word "crushing" to describe their love interest. FML

I'm sorry OP, but this was hilarious. Ditch the ass and go watch it with friends, you'll have a much better time anyway.

rt567 15

congrats on building up the courage, that takes guts, sorry about the outcome op, stay positive, good things will come!

I would think that a guy would usually say that he's going out with someone already... Instead to rejecting her like that...

I would think that a guy would usually say that he's going out with someone already... Instead to rejecting her like that...

To be fair, we don't know if OP is a her.

Well he could be seeing someone else. Or he could be gay.

Still, he could have just said "thanks but no thanks". That was just harsh!