By Anonymous - 07/12/2014 04:48 - United States - Watertown

Today, I felt bad about rarely complimenting my mom about her cooking, so during dinner, I raved about her incredible, creamy, macaroni and cheese. It came from a box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 129
You deserved it 8 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that was awkward 0_o You can tell her that she was such a good cook that even her boxed stuff tastes good!

Doesn't matter, it's still mac and cheese. That shit is always good.


Well, that was awkward 0_o You can tell her that she was such a good cook that even her boxed stuff tastes good!

Roskosity 22

Yeah. At least you showed your appreciation.

badluckalex 23

Oreo's come in boxes! (sometimes) Who doesn't love those!?

Don't worry OP, your heart is in the right place :)

Macaroni in a box is delicious. Plus she might've added stuff to it to make it better!

True! I like to jazz up boxed mac n cheese by either melting in shredded cheese, or mixing in some queso dip. So good!

Am I the only one who hates box Mac and cheese? Guess so lol.

Doesn't matter, it's still mac and cheese. That shit is always good.

PSYqualiac 17

Mac and Cheese is like pizza. Even when it's bad it's still Mac and Cheese.

@22, so when pizza is bad, it's still Mac and Cheese?

Arokthis 21

Says someone that hasn't had to choke down M&C that was simultaneously burned AND undercooked.

Mac & Cheese whether I came in a box or not still good.

So I think the real question here is do you come in a box or not?

jimmer23 21

Sounds like a Kraft commercial. Kudos to you for not taking your mom for granted.

PSYqualiac 17

Still took her for granted, just made it less so by complimenting her this time. He did good though.

Hey you can still mess up boxed macaroni and cheese! If she done good she done good.

I think a simple "Thanks for dinner" would've sufficed...

Anything else would have been too cheesy.

You came straight from her box and look how you turned out, sweet and caring. She did a good job letting you cook in her oven for a while you could say.

Aw, well at least you were thinking about her feelings.