By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 11:10 - United States

Today, I facebooked my friends about my upcoming birthday party, and told them to keep the date free. I got several responses telling me that's not possible, because that's the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 148
You deserved it 30 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caffieneminx 0

I would honestly have to agree. Opening night of Harry Potter matches no other.

pshh who wouldn't go watch Harry Potter instead *light bulb goes on in head* maybe you can have your birthday party at the movie theater!


Bill_Sykes 0

WTF! A rule of life.... Never schedule anything for the date a Harry Potter movie comes out

So, let them take you to the movie as their present. Meet at your house beforehand or afterward for some partying.

zee209 0

It's Harry Potter! HP is awesome :) Just go with them, and have fun. That's what really matters: Having fun on your birthday. As long as you have fun, you don't need a party... Yeah, YDI.

YDI for having friends who like the Harry Potter movies...the books weren't bad but the movies sucked

aw that sucks, I'd come to your party. I'm not a harry potter fan though but i'm not that bad of a friend :)

then have a midnight release party at your house starting at 10 pm, and then at 12 you see the movie with all your friends the first showing :)

I would totally skip a party to watch Harry Potter too. Especially since WB insisted on prolonging our pain and suffering by pushing the movie back. YDI for not checking the date before you alerted your friends. They've probably had their plans a lot longer than you have. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you tagged along and went out afterward, though! #64, epic.

mandymuggle 0

IA with #7. Dude, people have been eagerly awaiting this ever since the book came out. You will always have another birthday, but never again will there be another HBP movie release.

what woudl possess you to have a party on THAT day...if your so insistent, than have it at the showing of harry potter

MsMegaroo 0

Why do u hate blondes?? But facbook kinda is a verb... If u meet someone at a bar...before u leave just be like "ya facebook me!!" Its the modern way of saying like "Call me.."

tk89 0