By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 11:10 - United States

Today, I facebooked my friends about my upcoming birthday party, and told them to keep the date free. I got several responses telling me that's not possible, because that's the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 148
You deserved it 30 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caffieneminx 0

I would honestly have to agree. Opening night of Harry Potter matches no other.

pshh who wouldn't go watch Harry Potter instead *light bulb goes on in head* maybe you can have your birthday party at the movie theater!


Don't mess with Harry Potter man, ydi.

you don't haveee to have your birthday celebrated the same day AS your birthday. just have it the next day, or something

guitar43 0

im sorry but hatter potter > friends birthday party YDI for being a dumb dumb

Why not just make your party going to see Harry Potter? Failing that, why not just have it the next week?

Dude, it's Harry Potter. Friggin' reschedule.

Agreed with #2! Harry Potter opening >>>>> birthday party

Yeah I'd ditch you for HP too so YDI.

FYL for not knowing when the HP film premiers.

not really an FML, HP rocks :D you should have known the Half Blood Prince premiere was then.