By ihatemondays - 23/08/2012 06:15 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that it's an hour and 45 minutes quicker to get the bus to work, rather than the train. I've worked there for six years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 611
You deserved it 14 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your train of thought must've been elsewhere in the past 6 years.

zingline89 18

With that kind of massive inefficiency I can only assume you are a congressman


Well, they say you learn something new everyday! :)

You've spent 3,834 hours and 15 minutes on a train that could have been spent sleeping.

friedbunnies 9

An hour and 45 minutes quicker? And in six years it's never occurred to you to maybe move closer to your job? Or find a similar job closer to home?

Stoopid_life 2
Matty1188 6

WTF? How long is your commute?? I'd have been searching high and low for a faster way, or even looked for a new job.

Could you elaborate on this? My first thought is: In what universe is a bus faster than a train? However, I don't know all of the details...Maybe you had to take 2 trains? I'd really like to know!

That come out to saving about 17.5 hours in two weeks or about 2625 hours (109 days) in 6 years... FYL for sure, that like 1/3 of a year wasted just taking longer to get to work

I would take that long to figure it out too.... I hate the bus

WTF!!! How far is your work if a hour and 45 minutes is only the time savings!?!?