By ihatemondays - 23/08/2012 06:15 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that it's an hour and 45 minutes quicker to get the bus to work, rather than the train. I've worked there for six years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 611
You deserved it 14 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your train of thought must've been elsewhere in the past 6 years.

zingline89 18

With that kind of massive inefficiency I can only assume you are a congressman


oddball1972 10

If you think the bus is faster you should try taking a car

I'm guessing OPs job requires absolutely minimal mental capacity.

If there's about 250 business days in a year excluding holidays, if you worked those days a year for 6 years and were on the train for an unneeded 1 hour 45 minutes a day... You wasted 2,175 hours of your life. Poor guy, but then again you should check all methods of transportation when getting a job.

perdix 29

You're probably in great shape from all that daily training. If you are too broke/cheap to get a car, think motorcycle/scooter -- you'll probably cut your commute time in half.

FYL for having a commute anywhere near that long, no matter what method you use. That is the one thing that would make me more miserable than anything else. I can't imagine how long the entire commute is if you can shave off that much time just by switching to the bus. Have you been stuck in that job for six years, or do you just love your work so much that you don't mind making the trip?

you have no idea how happy i am that i'm not the only loser who counted!

Could have tried other methods of transport, could have gotten a different job, could have done something other than being an oblivious, accepting idiot. No sympathy for you OP, you've wasted more than three months of your life because you didn't think to try something else.