By Unreality - 26/01/2011 21:26 - United States

Today, I discovered my fiancé has been telling everyone else we are just friends, yet last night he wanted me to go with him to pick up my engagement ring. I'm supposing the wedding will be a surprise to everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 027
You deserved it 3 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This reminds me of those guys in High School that would be seeing girls out side of school and not talk to them in front of their friends. I say screw him, and find a new guy that lives and respects you. He sounds like a loser.

Talk to him about it and ask why he's saying that to people.


You're an idiot. He's not hiding her from his friends. He's hiding her from other girls he is sleeping with or wants to sleep with.

mintcar 9

Wow, he's a keeper, isn't he?

Iwalynwfy 0

YDI if you say yes. Why would you want to be with someone who can't admit who you are. If you meant anything to him, he should be proud and tell EVERYONE who you are.

SuperSweets 3

You're an idiot for taking a comment boners said seriously.

prettygirlswag7 0

break up with him. if he doesn't think you are good enough for people to know you are dating him, than shit. doesn't deserve you.

haleyrenae 0

thats bullshit **** the bastard no offense but i wouldnt put up with that kind of bull

abceasyas123abc 12

So this may be the guy being talked about in the fml below.