By JukeboxValkyrie - 16/02/2012 07:52 - United States

Today, I discovered how startling it is to wake up by having your cat springboard off your face. The intended prey? Two fornicating geckos on the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 536
You deserved it 2 655

JukeboxValkyrie tells us more.

JukeboxValkyrie 19

To everyone who keeps asking "How did they get on your ceiling?" and "Why are they in your house?" Geckos are native to Florida, they can crawl through the tiniest places and the tips of the digits on their limbs are like mini suction cups, giving them the ability to climb most vertical surfaces as well as being upside down. My ceiling is also popcorn style so there was plenty to hold onto. And yes, I'm almost certain one had a foreign accent...though I'm not sure which.

Top comments

At least he didn't springboard off your face while you were fornicating.

Your cat is really something else. I guess not everyone wants a free quote on auto insurance.


Stevenstone 0

I love that word... 'fornicating'

Man I cannot stop laughing at this one. Soo funny!

Devin27o 2

why were there geckos on your ceiling? haha

anappleaday 0

Your cat must not have gotten the same "talk" as I had. It began with "Sex is a beautiful thing.." OP, teach your cat to respect other animals when participating in this beautiful thing (though they were in his territory) and deal with his jealousy in a more positive manner.

This makes me glad that I live in a country that is too cold for this kind of situation to happen! Having 2 cats myself, having 2 geckos fornicating (HAVING SEX for those that don't know what that word means...) on my ceiling would mean that I wouldn't just be used as a spring board, but also as the fighting ring, because they would be fighting it out as to which of them gets up there first!

SkyiiStarflower 0
sinekt 9

Geckos on the ceiling ? What the **** ? Son, have you been smoking ? ^_^