By TANT - 22/03/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I decided to start working out because my friends said I'm scrawny and weak. I bought an expensive giant container of protein powder to take before during work outs. I wasn't strong enough to open the lid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 79

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Today, I tried to inject steroids. I wasn't strong enough to squeeze the syringe. FML


Inkspell 2

haha wow, that sucks ;D, but keep it up, bodybuilding is healthy, great, and fun ;D.

fillmyheart028 0

Wow. You really DO need to start working out. ....good luck with that....

lol, wow well at least they were right.

Hmm, that's happened to me. Just slam the lid on a counter/table a few times lol

Today, I tried to inject steroids. I wasn't strong enough to squeeze the syringe. FML