By Anonymous - 08/03/2015 16:42 - United States

Today, I decided to show up early for work and really try to get off my manager's shit-list. On my way to work, my manager called to bitch me out for already being 30 minutes late. Yeah, I forgot about Daylight Savings Time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 164
You deserved it 12 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dontlookman 20

At least you tried to make an effort, op!

Steve95401 49

You are far from the only person who forgot to change their clocks last night.


1dvs_bstd 41

Shouldn't really be 'bitch' you out. I'd be pretty pissed too if my employee was 30 minutes late to work.

I wish we could all be like Arizona and just say forget it. Daylight savings is only for farmers, yet we all have to change our clocks, couldn't they just get up earlier?

I'm sorry but you seem to be mistaken. DST does not benefit farmers. It does benefit anyone who owns a bar with a deck through, so people can enjoy those long summer evenings after work when the weather is nice.

Ok sorry if I'm mistaken on the origin of daylight savings but either way I'm not fond of it. My whole day is thrown off and as for the late summer days that's great and all unless you have small children who won't go to bed because it's still sunny out.

It also helps kids who have to wait for the bus in the mornings.

I was reading this yesterday and it was interesting:

Also not for farmers 'Protests are also put forth by people who wake at dawn, or whose schedules are otherwise tied to sunrise, such as farmers. Canadian poultry producer Marty Notenbomer notes, "The chickens do not adapt to the changed clock until several weeks have gone by, so the first week of April and the last week of October are very frustrating for us."' You can blame ole Benny Franklin for DST.

I hear you 27. I don't really care if it's for safety, farmers, whatever. It messes up my sleep. I've usually only just got used to the new time when they change it again (apparently I'm even less adaptable than chickens). And I clearly remember those summer nights as a kid where you're basically in bed in the middle of the day and you just have to lie there for hours...horrible!

You mean you didn't realize when your phone was an hour ahead of the microwave, or car radio..? YDI, sorry.

trenteg11 13

How could this not be a ydi

At least you were only 30 mins late as opposed to one hour and 30 mins like you would have been if you decided to head to work "on time"?

DST is so pointless. But you should still know when it takes effect.

I'm confused as to how you don't have a phone that automatically changes the time.

KeannaLove 32

Because not everyone has a smartphone or even wants one. Way to sound like a stuck up jerk.

Even non smart phones change with daylight savings.

OP might use an actual alarm to get up and then use that clock around the house. During the mornings I go by my oven's clock instead of my phone's so it's understandable

If it hadn't been daylight savings I would've woken up in time for church.