Not helping, dude

By Anonymous - 03/07/2022 18:00 - United States

Today, a girl in my glass was complaining that her neck hurt. I thought if I forcibly turned her head side-to-side, it would instantly fix it like in the movies. It didn't. She was in so much pain, she couldn't even talk, and had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 154
You deserved it 2 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Like in the movies"? Are you stupid?

I know you wanted to be helpful but what you did is an example of why low IQ individuals should be sanctioned in society. If you don't get sued, apologize to the girl and study kinesiology before tryna do it like it is "in the movies".


I know you wanted to be helpful but what you did is an example of why low IQ individuals should be sanctioned in society. If you don't get sued, apologize to the girl and study kinesiology before tryna do it like it is "in the movies".

Not all people with low IQ’s need to be sanctioned. As someone who works with people who have low IQ’s and other special needs, I’m offended. Most wouldn’t touch someone like this due to fear of something like this happening. Now my father who has an IQ over 145 would because he would be one of those people who is narcissistic enough to think just because he went to college he can do anything. He tried pulling a broken rotted tooth out of his mouth with pliers once and wound up with a shattered tooth, emergency dental surgery, a huge bill. Apparently stupidity can run with high IQ’s too.

That defense ought to work in your attempted murder trial.

YDI. I hope she sues you for medical expenses and charges you for assault.

Hope she presses charges against you.

2deployments1divorce 11

Were you assisting Tinker Bell? Why do you have a girl in a glass?

wrenavery90 12

Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure you're going to get sued big time. Why did you think it was ok to do that to another person?

That’s how they kill people in the movies.

Wow, you're an idiot. You better hope she doesn't try to sue you