By jada - 04/01/2012 23:29 - United States

Today, I called my boyfriend over and over again and he never answered. His mom just called me and asked how I was holding up. I asked her what she meant and she had to tell me he checked himself into rehab because he was addicted to heroin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 353
You deserved it 3 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3mi1y_ 16

that's not something you wanna hear :( at least he has the decency to find help!


My boyfriend has been in a behavioral center for 2 out of 3 nights for cutting & being suicidal, so I know how you feel & it ******* sucks!

You better stand behind that guy. If you love him, stay behind him until it starts to actually effect your life in the worst way. But done become codependent.

That's not good but when I looked at the you deserved it, it was 420 :p

I'm a rehab counselor myself and one thing that will take recovery over the edge and succeed is support. Alot of addicts do not have the support because of burned bridges. If you support him with no judgment, he will benefit greatly!

I used to be a heroin addict, until i took an arow to the knee.

I used to think arrow jokes were funny But then I turned 13

I used to be a heroin addict, until i took an arrow to the knee

Got to enjoy the totally misplaced jokes

Austin342 13

Maybe he didn't tell you because he was afraid you would leave him? Be there for him, support him, help him!

Good chance she didn't know a lot of addicts are good at hiding it. Fhis life as well he is goin through hell. Good luck to u both