By tumbleshay - 21/03/2015 01:32 - United States - Veneta

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt unappreciated. She found it appropriate to sarcastically say, "Oh no, how will I ever be able to open my jars?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 163
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superglue them all shut and then see how much she needs you!

Steve95401 49

She will also miss your ability to reach things on the top shelf.


Depends on the situation wether you are a inconsiderate bitch or just a smart ass.

Hey man don't sweat it just a girl who actually appreciates you because you obviously deserve better

Good riddance. It's better this way :)

Wow, good on you for dumping her. Usually when you're the one who cares more, it's way harder to break up. That must've taken a lot of courage!

Inciter 33

It sounds like you're better off without her.