By quietdown - 30/05/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I began to choke on a large pill while my mom was in the room. Hoping that she would help me, I began to make a lot of noise. After she completely ignored me, I threw my body over a chair, saving my life. At this point my mother asks me to shut up because she can't hear her friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 027
You deserved it 4 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to assume that by "making a lot of noise," you meant banging on stuff and maybe throwing something, because if you were vocalizing, you weren't really choking. But still, I know how scary that feeling is, and it sucks your mom was a bitch about it.


omg that happen to me too my brother had to yell at my mom to get her to help me

yosh_x3 0

zomg that sorter sucks oO ; maybe she thought you joking around ? Well you should tell her you were choking ; & she'll probs feel bad o_o

We should have a Bitchy Mom category for FML's...there are so many.

I didn't read everybody's comments (so I hope I'm not repeating) and on the off chance one of you might read it....I CALL BULLSHIT. I don't think that happened at all and you just made up a story to get on FML. You threw yourself over a chair? Do you think we live in a TV show? You were making noise? If you were choking you couldn't make noise b/c your airway would be cut off. No Air = No Noise And no mother is THAT cruel. Even a mom with munchausen syndrome would want to save their child just so they could be in the limelight.

argh i hate that, my mother's been that way with me lately completely ignoring me then paying attention when its not even needed >_

Dang that sucks for you. And to everyone who says you can't choke on a pill. Well you've never obviously seen some of the larger pills before. Some pills are extremely hard to swallow depending on the person. Some have easier time with them then others. Also don't believe in such large pill sizes. Go to Google Images and type in 'large pill'. Oh and number 81 when you don't have a person to help you that's actually the proper manner to try unobstruct the object in your mouth. Just a little recommendation to the OP from someone who has had problems herself with pill sizes. If you are going to be permanently on this pill I would recommend getting a pill chopper. Helped me a lot when I was post-op from a surgery and it would probably help you from having this happen again just in case.

It isn't the proper method if you can't get help. Technically there isn't an official one but this was more likely to do harm than good. The best thing you can do is stand with your back against a wall and punch youself upwards from the ribcage or pull out whatever is choking you (difficult for a pill but it is very difficult to literally choke on a pill). Both of these methods suck and are nowhere near as good as getting help but they don't suck as much as the OP's actions (not a criticism, prolly hard to think straight).

Punching yourself when you are choking is not the right thing to do, not enough force behind it. First it would be hard to punch yourself hard enough to dislodge something. Second, you do need to do the Heimlich on yourself pretty much by throwing yourself at something hard enough to dislodge it. Yes you may injur yourself, but it would be better than dying. The same as getting injured during CPR better to be alive and injured than dead.