By DexiCola - 11/08/2016 17:02 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, I asked my manager where the clearly-foreign customers were from. She said she didn't know, but she thought they were from ISIS. She wasn't trying to be funny, she thought ISIS was a country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 863
You deserved it 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You may want to politely correct her on that, before she makes the mistake of saying it to someone else. It could cause some issues if she happened to mention that to one such customer.

Oh boy...somebody may want to educate her about what ISIS is and maybe show her a globe? Good luck OP


Oh boy...somebody may want to educate her about what ISIS is and maybe show her a globe? Good luck OP

She definitely shouldn't be a manager if she's that uneducated..

In my experience, being uneducated is a prerequisite for being a manager.

species4872 19

Sounds like a perfect candidate for governmental work, Foreign Affairs maybe.

Doesn't Isis control a rather large territory though? it's not a country though.

You may want to politely correct her on that, before she makes the mistake of saying it to someone else. It could cause some issues if she happened to mention that to one such customer.

We have a lot of foreigners in my country, their all from ISIS too!

I imagine the hardest part was deciding wether to point her towards a bit of information or make up some relatives from ISIS and a bunch of bizarre traits and customs they have.

Unless you're in a business where it's important to keep up on world affairs, I don't see this as being a big issue. Some people prefer not to expose themselves to all the negative media out there, which may be naive but probably wouldn't affect their qualifications as a business manager. Still others are poor at geography, as it would appear in this case, but this is not really indicative of being an idiot in my humble opinion.

So it's okay to be ignorant just because they don't work in foreign affairs? That's ridiculous.

Technically they are..They have large territory, armed forced, power over the people & infra structure, the only thing missing is international recognition.