By Killmenow - 11/02/2009 14:08 - United Kingdom

Today, having just told me what a great job I've been doing and how he'd really like to start giving me some more responsibility, my boss asked me if I'd sharpen a couple of pencils for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 731
You deserved it 2 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If sharpening pencils is a greater responsibility, what were you doing before?

i_love_fml_11 0

so what? pencils need sharpening and you got to have a couple minutes where you could do something easy lol


If sharpening pencils is a greater responsibility, what were you doing before?

No such thing as small jobs. Only small employees.

harsh. better to forgive and forget, like i always say. JUST KIDDING, STAB THAT A-HOLE

i_love_fml_11 0

so what? pencils need sharpening and you got to have a couple minutes where you could do something easy lol

Actually, it is an FML. Don't you see the 'Today,' at the beginning and the 'FML' at the end? And it is publiced on this site. So shut up.

chunkyguy 0

couple of pencils, is you boss a painter or something? Last time I used a pen/pencil was in 2005.

allitaylor 4

sharpen those damn pencils good!!!

Quinzel_fml 0

stab him with the fukn pencil!!