By Anon. - 28/03/2009 08:07 - United States

Today, for my girlfriend's birthday, I got her an external hard drive and my grandmother's engagement ring. When she opened both boxes, I took her hand and looked deep in her eyes and told her to pick whichever she wanted. She took the external hard drive, even though she already has one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 732
You deserved it 14 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well....I mean.... This is gonna be harsh, but I'd be pretty disappointed if my boyfriend proposed to me like that. It's supposed to be romantic, you know? This just doesn't ...sparkle?... enough. I don't know. Maybe she was hitting the refresh key. Try again later?

elemenopyqrstuv 0

why the hell wouldn't you JUST get her the ring if she already had an external HD???


ejvlols 0

OHHH YOOO i smell a rejection

SmoothTalker 0

LOL wow what a retarded way to propose...for that YDI

justjayit 0

That sucks so bad, man, but that was also a really bad proposal. Why make her pick between two?

Yeah, you're an idiot. 1) She might not have known it was an engagement ring, even if you "look deeply into her eyes" 2) Your grandma's taste may not be hers. 3) You're a coward for not just asking her to marry you. Terrible proposal. 4) One can never have too much space. 5) It's a hard drive! 6) She's awesome. Why is she with you?

you are a tool. im no girl, but im sure that she wouldve expected to get both. and if not, then im sure the opportunity to get the ring again will come up.

why would you tell her to choose? lol, douche.

#7, agreed. Kind of a strange way to propose?