By Anonymous - 15/04/2011 00:53 - Canada

Today, during a major argument with my girlfriend, I shoved a door open, which then rebounded and hit me in the face. I'm not sure which is more pathetic: that I was savaged by a door, or that I made up a story about kicking a mugger's ass to explain the huge black eye to my coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 619
You deserved it 36 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

batgirl_babygirl 0

just laugh at yourself dude, people like funny people...not lame ass liars

Whenever anyone tells those bullshit stories its so easy to tell theyre lying..


kewlguy23 0

Some people can be such dicks. He was just pissed! The average person doesn't think when they're really angry, and he was only lying to avoid lots of embarrassment.

I can understand how the door thing happened, but since you lied ( so very badly that no one will believe you) now your woman and co-workers think your an idiot, I hope you learned 2 lessons :) dork

You at least had a good story but seriously who would believe that?