By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, completely nude, I had to collect my clothes around the boy’s apartment I have been sleeping with for awhile. While his girlfriend watched to make sure I “got the fuck out.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 296
You deserved it 180 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gave ya a FML and a YDI Either he wasn't upfront about being with someone - FYL or He did tell you and frankly didn't care - YDI

Have to agree with #1, though either way it sucks.


#141 You're not serious, right? You kept going with a taken guy, regardless of the immorality of the situation, and you expect everyone to hate on ONLY the guy just because karma kicked you in the ass and you got hurt? Uh huh. Right. Guy was a creep. You were just as bad. It's chicks like you who give guys a bad image and paint b*tches as victims. Ugh.

girl, find your own man and stop being a homewrecker. u aint getting anywhere in life fool! that mans a hoe!

i really don't understand why everyone is lashing out and called her a *****. the guy is obviously a cheater and whether its this girl or another he's still going to be unfaithful. telling her to stop sleeping with a taken guy so that he can't cheat is ridiculous. stop calling her a *****. the guy is the asshole in this scenario

Ugh, I hate girlfriends like that who just blame the other woman. Yeah being the other woman is immoral too if you know that the dude is taken, but at the end of the day the other woman is not the one who made a commitment. it disgusts me when girls so quickly take back their BFs and blame the girl. A cheater is a cheater, if it wasn't the girl who posted, it would've been someone else.

I love how so many people are saying "Don't blame the other woman, it's the GUY who made the commitment, therefore, HE'S THE ONE WHO SUCKS!" or otherwise acting like we should all just ignore the sh*ttiness of the third party. No one's saying the cheater isn't scum. They're just saying that the third party is scum too. People keep raving about this distinction between having made the commitment and being the one outside it. Yes, we get it, we understand your point about how awful a cheater is for breaching the commitment - we all hope people honour their commitments. I guess people like me just didn't realise it was too much to ask that people be honourable *in general*, regardless of their commitments (or lack thereof). It's a cop out, saying stuff like that. Like "She wasn't the one who made the commitment, therefore she didn't owe anyone anything so she's not doing anything wrong by being party to this sh*tty thing!" That's a wonderful picture of 21st century morality. Whatever happened to basic human decency?! So it's all right to pursue anyone you choose, regardless of who you may hurt in the process or how immoral their/your actions are? Yeah, because THAT'S not disgusting at all. Hate to be a cliche, but it takes two, you know? If you choose to be involved in something so despicable as an affair, then you are just as much of a selfish pr*ck as the cheater is. Period. Of course, this is not necessarily relevant to the OP's situation - We still don't know if she knew he was taken or not.

You, and the guy you slept with, are without morals. You should've used any means necessary to find out if he had a girlfriend or not before jumping his bones.

iamspartacus2 0


#151: You can't really mean that. Do you "use any means necessary" to find out if any girl you sleep with has a BF? What rubbish. You ask, you compare the answer to the evidence you have at hand (which in the early days is not much), and decide whether or not to trust. You don't go out hiring a private detective. C'mon.

#151: oops! my comment has a few assumptions (yeah I know, bad, bad, bad...) about your gender and those of your partners. Feel free to change "...any girl you sleep with has a BF" to whatever gender(s) suit your particular disposition. :o)