By SpilledWater93 - 10/03/2014 03:07 - Ireland - Bray

Today, an American lady here in Ireland asked me if I was a Leprechaun. Thinking she was joking, and me being quite "vertically challenged," I decided to just say yes. She then grabbed me and made me endure photographs, cuddles and pats on the head from all her fellow tourists. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 505
You deserved it 9 007

SpilledWater93 tells us more.

To those of you who are American, please stop apologising and feeling bad, I actually found that lady and her friends quite amusing so they made my day. And what's more the story got published on here, that's more exciting than a pot of gold any day

Top comments

As an American, a little part of me just died inside.

Oh behalf of Americans who aren't complete morons; I apologize for you having to endure such humiliation.


As an American, a little part of me just died inside.

Tell your compatriots that the Tooth Fairy also lives in a chalet in Scotland, next to the Loch Ness monster.

EphMi 5

tell her if she rubs you hard enough, you'll turn into gold.

I'm starting to see why Europeans love Canadian tourists more...

alicat089 18

I just died inside as well... I cant feel my arm anymore either. that may have also died.

Am I the only person who thinks these people didn't genuinely believe that OP was a leprechaun and that they were just ******* with him?

Oh behalf of Americans who aren't complete morons; I apologize for you having to endure such humiliation.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

Don't apologize for other people. If you weren't involved, it's not your place.

^ So by that logic, when my neighbor's house burns down, I shouldn't feel bad because "it's not my place?"

Sorry OP. Was the whole group as idiotic as her? How did they make you? By all of them swarming you? You should've mentioned leprechaun rights, and having important leprechaun things to do and tried to excuse yourself.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

No, because in that case saying you were sorry would be an act of sympathy/empathy. #2 was apologizing for the acts of another person because they share the characteristic of being from America. Want a hat with that straw man?

ElementaryEdGuy 18

However, I'm starting to feel that OP was specifically soliciting this response by making sure to point out the nationality instead of just referring to her as a tourist. Let's go farther, why aren't women apologizing for this on behalf of women who aren't morons? OP also pointed out that it was woman. Oh, they weren't actually involved; they likely were on different continents at the time, and they likely had never met the people involved before?

Apologizing on behalf of a group you are part of is an act of acknowledging that yes, there is a problem, but wish to ensure not everyone is like that; including yourself. Example would be me out with my friends at a bar and one of my buddies is being a total ass to another patron while having tipped one too many bottles. I'd apologize on his behalf to the target while getting him away. Nothing wrong with acknowledgement and politeness.

Don't tell people not to apologize for other people. If you weren't involved, it's not your place.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

32- In that case you were involved, although indirectly. 36- I was involved. OP was apologizing on behalf of myself and millions of other people.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

Maybe I should clarify 32, because that sounded rougher than I meant for it to. You were involved in the incident because you were with the person. Whether you apologize for that because you were involved in the situation is your own prerogative. Maybe you could've intervened with her consumption, maybe not. However, this scenario would be like someone across the bar apologizing because he or she also is drinking alcohol. Again, there's a difference between "I'm sorry that you have to put up with that" (showing sympathy or empathy depending on that person's background) and saying "I'm sorry for what she is doing."

That's fair. But your initial protest was against Mororbo apologising FOR someone/something, not on behalf of someone. If what upset you was the behalf thing, that was absolutely unclear.

23- First, I don't know if "man" was meant just as a casual remark, but if it weren't, I'm a girl. And isn't this kind of being empathetic and sympathetic to OP by apologizing for the acts of the American?

ElementaryEdGuy 18

Wow. Straw man is a logical fallacy used when an opponent misrepresents an argument making it easier to attack. It's said to be like building a man of straw. It had nothing to do with your sex. Please do some researdh.

I'm terrible sorry, I read it as "straw, man?" It's hard to detect tone when you read. My mistake. Or, should I not be sorry? Does it apply here? However, please don't think of me as uneducated and in need of research if I didn't understand a saying. Certain things are said in certain places. I don't mean to have an argument with a person on FML, so I'll leave it at this. Your argument wasn't great in the first place, and now you kind of seem like a jerk. But to each their own. Have a nice day!

As an American I find the need to speak for the majority of us who aren't dumb by apologizing , it's the smaller minority that make us out to be ignorant as a whole

I noticed that you said, "when" I believe you meant if.

Ditto. Sometimes I cannot believe how certain Americans act abroad. It's like they don't understand that, to an extent, they are representing us as a whole.

orsombre_fml 11

Or maybe they do understand it :-(

lexi365 20

This thread of comments to me represents ever FML comment about "idiotic Americans" posts: 1. The Canadians and Europeans who comment about America's high rate of ignorance and stupidity. 2. Americans apologizing for the ignorant American(s). 3. Americans who still go around posting "we're still the best" and stuff.

Loveyou6611 20

If he was smart he would take advantage of those idiots. 5$ a picture this is probably the last time you will see a real live leprechaun. Forget being humiliated by it, use it. From an American.

#104 it doesn't have to end with god/gosh it can be just oh my

xOhItsMarleyy 9
TheWumbologist 14

You are not George Takei, please leave the "Oh My" 's to him

xOhItsMarleyy 9

Actually I can say whatever I want. Its a free country.

simplysarcastics 26

Wow. All I have to say is some of us Americans are actually sane, also you can keep that lady over there in Ireland, we already have to many that are cookoo. Lol and I picture her being to rough with all the pats on thw head. Knowing me I would kick her in the shins

I don't think Ireland particularly wants her either.

JMichael 25

I'm am so sorry OP. Contrast to popular belief not all of us Americans are that ignorant.

JMichael 25

Yea that is what it should have been. Wasn't paying attention while typing and phone changed it. Either way I think my point has been stated here.

onealmxwilson 18

It's true.. So many people are quick say.. That's Americans for you.. While I agree there are a lot of stupid people in America.. I'd say the same thing about every single other country. It just seems like everyone wants to hate on Americans. Hm.

I'm so sorry, OP. Americans are so stupid, and unfortunately I have to deal with them everyday.

JMichael 25

Hey now. Not all of us are stupid. Just about 85-90 percent.

Ha! I bet she thinks she's that oh so special extremely rare and superior smart American. Psssssh...

Yep, great way to generalize Americans off of one moron's actions (._. )

kirrra 11

#59 is it possible that #6 isn't American but is just living there? honestly, I cant remember if the location is picked up via internet or if we enter it in ourselves

And comments like that are why I hate going to Canada. Not everyone is the same, so that stands to reason not all Americans are an embarrassment to our country. That being said, I like the Australian way of hating everyone equally.

martialart1st18 19

You should have told her that if she left you alone she could have your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Sometimes tourists can be such assholes without even knowing it.

Sometimes, we " 'Mericans" can be short on common sense. Sorry about that.