By tomcat69 - 11/07/2011 00:01 - Canada

Today, after spending 6 months and $15,000 on lawyer fees at my 13 year old son's request, his abusive, alcoholic father no longer has any legal right to see him. How did my son repay me? He ran away to live with his father the very first time I told him he couldn't have friends sleep over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 223
You deserved it 7 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

Hey you could have seen this coming, the dad has both no rules, AND alcohol!!!

If he were younger, I could understand...but 13? Really? What an ungrateful child...


antoniocalos15 0

why can't he have his friends sleep over? he's 13, let him enjoy his childhood

xStaciexLynnx 15

Everyone who's saying he's an ungrateful idiot and that he needs to be punished severely and everything are idiots themselves. More likely than not, the kid needs help and someone to work things through with him, not a drill seargant. Kids rarely act out like that for no reason at all. First issue: the mom knows the dad is an abusive alcoholic and it takes the son begging her to have the dad's rights taken away? Really?

Who said he begged? "at his request" us far from begging.

Kids suck. I'm glad I don't have any. Sorry "Dad". That sux

ydnar 5

I would have to know more to make a serious comment on this. My kids are adults now but when they were growing up I swore I would never tell them "because I said so". That is not a reason I never thought that being a parent made me a dictator if I couldn't come up with a valid reason I said yes. So if you said he couldn't have his friends over just because you're his mom, ydi and if he goes to stay with dad and gets his ass kicked maybe he'll learn something.

starcristen 3

you would know more if you read the previous comments. OP says that he had sleepovers the past three nights and she had limited him to two friends that particular night and he did not agree with the decision. She was in no way being an authoritarian (dictator) parent.

im sure your probably not telling the whole story....dont you feel guilty for abusing your son even when he trusted you to take care of him after having been forced to leave his father?

nisey3313 11

I want you go back and read the FML carefully and then come back and try to make an educated comment. You obviously missed something

I'm pretty sure he missed the entire FML, not just one part...

why don't you just let him have friends sleep over?

So you having legal custody just allow your son to live wherever he wants to? He's 13 and a child. Be an adult and a parent and take back custody of your child. OP you act like you have no authority over your child's decision. You're allowing a 13 year old to dictate to you where he's going to live.