By AnnoyedAggie16 - 05/12/2016 09:14 - United States - Cypress

Today, after being neutered, my dog has managed to destroy three different "cones of shame", a special (and expensive) inflatable "donut" collar, and two t-shirts used as last resorts. I've essentially spent over $100 to unsuccessfully try keep my dog from licking his crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 522
You deserved it 921

AnnoyedAggie16 tells us more.

This is the OP. I didn't have an account when I posted this so I'm not sure how to make my comment show I'm the OP, but oh well. Basically we adopted a dog after thanksgiving and the shelter insisted they neuter him themselves before he could go home with us. Being one of the highest intake shelters in the state, I'm sure his surgery was a little rushed, and the results were not ideal. Speaking as a former vet tech, his incision placement was very odd and has caused a lot of problems for him. We've actually had to see the vet four times in the past week over it. Unfortunately this makes it even more important for us to prevent him from licking, which obviously has proven problematic to say the least. We've finally managed to keep an e-collar on him for more than a day... but it's probably only a matter of time. We love our new troublemaker tons regardless though.

Top comments

"Where are my testicles Summer? They were removed. Where have the gone?" "Ohhh wow thats an intense line of questioning Snuffles..."

I could unsuccessfully keep your dog from licking his crotch for half that price! Maybe even a quarter!


You're dog is like a three year old. It will resort to destroying everything in its way to be able to do what it wants. Except three year olds have the senses not to lick their own crotches... Good luck OP

Pretty sure they don't lick their crotches because they can't reach

FML: come for the funny stories, stay for the innovative unsolicited advice.

You can't train a dog not to lick a sore spot

FML: Try to help, get shot down by a douchebag.

Let's just hope that your dog never becomes hyper intelligent..., or else you may wind up in a situation just like Summer.

You should probably fine something he cant destroy. Then eventually he should just give up. If not, then FYL.

Seems that's EXACTLY what OP has been doing... Trying to find the one thing the dog cannot destroy.

I could unsuccessfully keep your dog from licking his crotch for half that price! Maybe even a quarter!

I love that Rick and Morty reference so much!

"Where are my testicles Summer? They were removed. Where have the gone?" "Ohhh wow thats an intense line of questioning Snuffles..."

I heard they were pushing it back again. Hopefully it is soon! i literally cant wait for it especially after what happened the kast episode

"don't call me that! Snuffles was my slave name, from now on call me Snowball cuz of my fur"

It's common sense to not get between a mama bear and her cub. Why can't you see it's the same with a dog and his crotch?